Joaquim Guedes da Cunha Rego
Joaquim Guedes da Cunha Rego has became known all over Brazil as Master Vavau, but his life had always been hard. |
Sebastião Matias Cordeiro
When he starts to talk about his life, Sebastião Matias Cordeiro (alias Sebastião Ferreira) is bitter. |
Nené Cavalcanti
Nené Cavalcanti says her life has been full of stories, but with a happy ending. She was born Maria das Neves Cavalcanti in Lagoa Nova (PB), in 1948. |
Raísse Herculano
Raísse Herculano was born in Pombal (PB), in 1962 and has always been interested in the primitive rock paintings of Paraíba. |
Miguel dos Santos
Miguel dos Santos has lived with art since he was a boy. He never thought his toys would one day become so valuable. |