Among all the states in the North East region Piauí has the smallest stretch of coastline, but it has plenty of craft artists that work with fabric, clay and wood. It’s the state with the largest number of saint makers. Without a doubt, the most important of them was Master Dezinho, a pioneer who made works for the church in Vermelha neighbourhood, in Teresina, capital of Piauí. His full name was José Alves de Oliveira and he was born in Valença (PI), in 1916. He had a hard life, like everyone born in the countryside, Master Dezinho worked as a carpenter for most of his life. His ex-votos became saints and Christs, masterfully sculpted. Their clothes were decorated with symbols inspired by cattle irons, as well as local flowers, fruit and animals. There is an infinite number of arts and artists that could be featured in this book. Those that have been chosen are part of this universe and like what happened in others regions of the country deserves more space to became known. |