Bahia is unique. We say it belongs to all the saints, because they are represented in every corner of it. There are saints brought by the Portuguese, and saints brought by the Africans. It’s one of the Brazilian states that is most proud of its Black heritage. Its people, its cuisine and its art reflect the influence of Africa and the ethnic mix that created Brazil. It’s a friendly land where foreigners easily fall for its charms. But there is much more besides the beaches and the capital, Salvador, with its hills, stairs, churches and “terreiros” where orishas (afro-brazilian gods) live and show the Brazilian soul.
In the countryside, stories about Africa, and a time of mining, sugar and cocoa plantations, remind us that here, where the North East region begins or ends depending of where you come from, there is plenty of hope.
It is like a neverending work song about the origins of Brazil and the strength of men and women who build wonders with their hands and their hearts. |