Daughter and sister of potters, Adelina Medeiros is proud of the fact that her father built the School of Clay Makers, in 1944. “It’s the only one of its kind in Brazil, and it’s located in the neighbourhood of São José, in Greater Florianópolis. The house belonged to Joaquim Antônio de Medeiros and his family and was taken over by the local government and is now used to teach potters and artists. I started when I was 35 years old as a hobby and because I needed the money. Today it’s not really a job, it’s an addiction. I work from Sunday to Sunday. I only stop on Good Friday.” Her voice reveals her Azorean roots, although she is Brazilian, born in São José (SC) in 1943. Her pieces portray local folklore and her love for the Azoreans, who established a colony in Santa Catarina that is the very essence of the coastal community. “One day my brother gave me a few tips and I started moulding and have never stopped.” Mrs. Adelina’s pieces have perfect finish and a style of painting that has been perfected over the years. She is considered akin to Master Vitalino in the South, specialist in portraying the regional folkloric festivals. Characters from the Boi-de-Mamão tradition are carefully decorated, as is the Azorian woman wearing a dress with lace. |