The town of Prados became famous in Brazil and abroad because of the huge, fantastic lions sculpted in wood by Itamar Julião, who died in 2003. It was with him that Valdir Gomes Ribeiro learned how to carve wood. “I worked with Itamar for about 5 years and then started to do my own thing, and find my own path.” Valdir works literally by himself, in the neighbourhood of Caraça, in Prados. “Since I was a child I have made wooden toys to play with. Then I destroyed and burned them, so I had to make new ones. I used to make super heroes to play with. When I grew up, I saw Itamar selling his pieces and decided to learn and give it a go. And here I am. “Valdir’s work stands out in an area full of small workshops where many make a living from sculpting wooden animals, great and small. Apart from the perfect lines and careful finish, Valdir has a real talent for carving. Unlike animals sculpted mechanically, Valdir’s pieces reveal the work of the chisel, the knife and the strong gestures used to shape and give movement to the fur of the animals, and the mountains. |