The newest addition to the North region, Tocantins state has an almost inhospitable beauty. An obvious transition between the cerrado and the Amazon, it holds many mysteries. It doesn’t lack riches. Within Tocantins is the Jalapão, a territory of sand and stone, where it seems the sea has once passed. In its heart lies a golden grass that is the basis of the local community’s economy and if it is not looked after with care, creativity and sincerity could be misused and disappear.
The people from the Northeast have always been the great pioneers of Brazil, and it couldn’t be different in Tocantins. The music, food and art get mixed with the Indian and African heritage and together they adapt, creating new patterns, embroideries and colours. Wood, vegetable fibres and clay are the raw material for the local craft artists. Another treasure, the Chapada dos Veadeiros when in bloom becomes magical, and just as magical is the garden of an illustrious daughter of the region, Mrs. Romana. Her sculptures have a transcendental energy, a peace of spirit that makes everyone think in a noble way about the meaning of life. |