The State of Rio de Janeiro’s and its capital share the same name. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful place in the world, and is known in Brazil as the Wonderful City. Rio charms everyone with its natural beauty, the world famous carnival and people who always seem to be happy despite the huge social divide. The former capital of the country during colonial and republican times still has strong African roots. Orishas, the Afro-Brazilian gods, seem to bless everyone. During celebrations for Yemanjá, the goddess of the sea, beaches and squares devoted to the Afro Brazilian religion of camdomblé are dressed in white and samba is the main language everywhere. In the mountains, which wouldn’t look out of place in Europe, mythical figures emerge from the earth, unveiling a garden of monumental sculptures. From above, in the neighbourhood of Santa Teresa, one can watch the city as the old yellow tram rides up and down the hills, reminding us of an artist that fights for this bohemian neighbourhood and transforms garbage into unique characters. They all have names, and they all speak to us transforming life into child’s play. One of them is “Uisquisito” (“Odd”), made by Getúlio (above). |