By the road that links Areias (SP) to Queluz (SP) there’s a square decorated with huge sculptures that are guaranteed to impress any passer-by. They represent the main characters in Monteiro Lobato’s books (the writer is pictured in the sculpture in the lower right-hand corner). Lobato is undoubtedly the most famous native of the Paraíba Valley area, born in the town of Taubaté (SP), and responsible for some of the best-loved children’s books in Brazil. The sculptures symbolize the endurance of his creation, despite the arrival of many foreign modern super heroes and cartoon characters that have captured the imagination of children today. Carved in eucalyptus tree trunks, they keep these national heroes alive. The artist behind this work is Raymundo dos Santos Ribeiro. Born in Belo Horizonte (MG) in 1937, he says he’s always wanted to create things with his hands. He started making toys while he accompanied his father, who was a bricklayer, and lived in many places before settling in Taubaté. There he ended up getting a job in the public sector, but never stopped carving pieces of wood. “I’ve always enjoyed this work. I learned everything by myself. I used to work with the artist Aristeu Monteiro, and one day a big bank bought one of my pieces. It was a boost for me. Other people started coming to my workshop, and I was invited to take part in exhibitions. They were always solo exhibitions, and I never like to show a piece more than once. The pieces that guarantee my earnings are signs and carvings. I make all sorts, with big letters cut in the wood. Once I made 17 sculptures using dead tree trunks for the mayor of Taubaté.” Raymundo lives in Areias but his studio is in the neighbouring town of Silveiras, which has become a centre for wooden craft art. “I know people around there do the same things over and over, but the town always has lots of visitors and so I can show my work to many more people than before.” |