At the entrance of Miramar Borges’ house, there is a small shed where he works with soapstone. “Things are difficult now. People don’t visit anymore and the only way to earn more money was to start making pots with soapstone.” But Miramar is famous for his huge wooden sculptures in the shape of hollow columns. “I’ve always worked on farms, here in Cachoeira de Brumado, where I was born in 1951. I only started working with wood in 1982. I made some pieces after taking an order. They were animals. Then I made a nativity scene. The hard thing about my pieces is to work from the inside out, leaving the piece hollow without breaking anything. I learned by myself, but Mr. Artur helped me a lot. He saw my work, liked it, and always recommended me to others. He was the one who told me to stop making pots like everyone else and work with wood.” He misses his patron, who was the main mentor of all the local artists, but Miramar doesn’t lose hope. His work is perfect, precise and beautiful. |