A strong bout of depression, not yet completely overcome, made Marta Maria (Marta Maria Ferreira da Silva) start working with clay and, by herself, reveal a whole world of figurines. “I started in 2003 and my husband (Vanderlei, to the left of Marta in the picture above) helps me a lot. He enjoys creating things. He made the kiln, the machine I use to mix the clay, and he helps me build the large pieces I want to make. I used to make things I felt like making, and never sold a piece. But now some people have discovered me. They ask me to make this or that, or images that sell well like Saint Francis. I make them, but the ones I really love are just mine.” Like many intuitive artists, Marta Maria has taken a promising path not only in terms of art, but also of freedom and health. If she is able to expand her creativity the way she desires to do, there are no limits to what she can achieve. If she follows those who advise her to only follow the market, her depression might overcome her talent. “These things come from within. Sometimes they don’t work out right, but they are part of me.” |