Lourival Edson Bernucio was born into a family of artists who have always enjoyed working with paper. “It’s always been like that, and I’m no exception.” Born in Rio de Janeiro, Lori – as he is known – moved to Embu while still young and today lives in Taboão da Serra. “I’ve done a little bit of everything in my life. At 10 years old I used to work as a shoe polisher. Then I helped at supermarkets, was a messenger for a hotel, an office boy, but nothing really pleased me. Then I started working as an assistant to a make up stylist, and to this day I still work in that area.” In order to make a living for his family, Lori turned to paper. Using paper rolls to build up the skeletons of his animals, he then covers them up with more paper. He never uses moulds or drawings. There are monsters and winged dragons, beetles, lizards, crocodiles, frogs. A never-ending array of Brazilian creatures in every imaginable colour, always charming those who stop by his stall in Embu’s art fair. Others try to imitate him, but the difference is plain to see. Lori’s pieces are of a high standard; they are delicate and seem to move. These small beings are truly enchanting, straight out of the magazine pages that Lori transforms into skeleton and skin. |