Since he was a child José Veríssimo has enjoyed drawing. Then he came across clay and with it he made whatever came into his head. Born in Ipapá, Garanhuns, in 1953, Veríssimo, as he is known, worked in Recife (PE), where he met a man who worked on a potters wheel, and so he learned. Back in Garanhuns he bought a house and continued working with clay. “Life is never easy but thankfully we have a place in town to show our work (Casa da Cidadania).” Veríssimo has even sold ice creams to help his earnings. “But I had to continue with clay. I’ve always worked with ex-votos, and created something of my own. They are dolls and busts with different expressions. Each head is different because like people no one is the same.”
Veríssimo’s work has great strength. The body seems rigid but the facial expression seems to bring the pieces to life. There’s surprise, pain, happiness, thoughtfulness. Everything life demands. |