Pots large and small, dishes and bottles made of clay have always been part of the life of women in the Valley of Alto Ribeira. Nowadays this activity helps many families complement their earnings, which come mostly from working on local farms. “That has always been the way”, says Ivone Maria da Cruz de Lima, daughter of Mrs. Custódia Pontes, who was born in Apiaí 43 years ago, and now lives in the neighbourhood of Encapoeirado. “I started learning with my mother when I was 12 years old. We only stop when it’s time to look after the tomatoes. I think I’m the only one making large urns these days, but before many others used to make them as well. My new thing is making these branches full of birds. Traditionally they are painted, but I like to leave them plain.” The technique used by Ivone is coiling with the edges of the pots marked by her fingers. The pots are burnished using pebbles, seeds or a spoon, and are decorated with coloured clay slips found locally, always following ancient designs. |