Ambrósio Córdula was born near Acari, in 1958, and grew up there. From an early age he learned to work with leather, metal and wood. In Currais Novos (RN) he learned how to make woodcarvings. “I used to watch Mrs. Luzia Dantas and found it fascinating. So I decided I was going to search for my own path, my own space. I discovered imburana wood. It was all I needed. The Seridó area is very religious and it had an impact on me. I decided to live in Natal (RN) making saints but I ended up doing a lot of restoration work. I started making a few images, but also worked with mahogany furniture. I promised that if I managed to make a living from art I would never touch a mahogany piece of furniture again. Then I fell off a bike and broke my hand and from that day I’ve only been working with art. I have my place in Acari. I try to revive the work of old time saint makers. People say they had better techniques, were masters with apprentices. Today I work with three people who help me.” |