Another daughter of rubber tappers, Adelina Apolinário da Silva was born on the Boa Vista rubber plantation, in Amazonas, and at 10 went to Sena Madureira, in Acre, where she still lives. She makes no secret of the fact that everything she knows she learned from the forest and the native tribes. The seeds she uses in her work are collected on the floor of an area protected by Ibama (Brazilian Institute for the Environment), to make sure they are not taken from trees. For a few years she has been working with the community of the National Forest of Macuã River (AC) where she lives. Adelina has developed her own technique for the cleaning, treating, dying and polishing of Amazonian seeds. She also works with natural fibres and threads, a technique she learned with the native tribes. The patterns and colours are inspired by the forest itself and indigenous ornaments. Adelina was born in 1962. |